Monday, August 08, 2005


What do you say to a Christian who doesn't attend church? Try this response from Shannon at wind scraps. After all, it's true. A tip of the ol' ball cap to Milton of Transforming Sermons.

Do you or your church actually transform the community around you? Shane at Wesley Blog has a great challenge written from a Methodist perspective, but applicable for all kinds of churches.

Also check out a new site. Chad has placed his blog, Plaid Berry, on hiatus while he heads up a new group blog called, Eternal Revolution. I've only been able to skim the new site, but it looks like a gold mine. I'm also proud to be included on that blogroll. Can't wait to dig in.

I'm continuing to modify my blogroll. I'm still not exactly sure how it will turn out, but my goal is for it to be a tool for me to keep track of the great writing on the web, especially if I experience another DSL outage. Don't be offended if your link gets moved around a bit.

Carry on.

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